Thursday, June 12, 2008

The best subway ride ever!

One goal of this trip is to get a real understanding of the what life is like everywhere we visit. This is very tough to do in the limited time we have. We will try.

Today, Connor really got to experience travel on the Tokyo subway the way you hear about it.

Our last subway ride before leaving Tokyo was the best. We got a full car. No, not a New York City full car, we got a Tokyo full car. We thought we were the last to get on the car. We were wrong. More and more people kept pushing their way on. By the time the car left the station we had been pushed from the front of the door to the back of the door.

It was completely awesome! I could see everything. Mary and Connor saw armpits. After we got out of the car, Connor said he was packed in so tight, we was actually sideways. How cool! Connor never hit the ground.

We were so tight that when we exited, I accidentally, elbowed a woman in the face just lowering my arm.

This was the best subway ride ever!

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